Well, Thanksgiving is almost here...we'll be going up to Holly's mom and dad's tonight and then tomorrow head to mom's for the rest of the day and night. Thanksgiving with my family is always a pretty big deal...we'll have lots of aunt's and uncles, cousins, etc. and of course loads of food. The day will consist of visiting, eating, watching football, eating, playing cards, eating, a little guitar picking with the picker's, and eating some more! A great day...
Last weekend I took the leap and bought my latest gadget. This is a gadget that I've been talking about for awhile now...just ask Holly. I got me a 30GB video iPod and it is stinking awesome. I've been a downloading fool...cramming this bad boy full of music...and videos! Of course I had to see if the hype of the video was everything they were saying...so I downloaded "Remember the Titans." Cool stuff! My goal is to max this baby out. By the way I got the sleek looking black one.