Here are some random things I'm thinking about:
-NBA Playoffs...this is the only time that I watch the NBA. My pick...Cavs led by Sir King James.
-It's been really nice to enjoy the basement considering where we were this time last year with the project.
-Next project...a prayer room under the stairs.
-I'm taking a weeks vacation at the end of the month...destination?? Tell you later!
-Haven't done much running since the mini two weeks ago...starting back this week.
-Seriously considering training for a marathon next year (considering!)
-Is gas going to sky rocket in the next few months?
-We got some new pics of Ellie earlier in the week...can't wait to show them to you.
-Our x-box 360 is still on the blink (red ring of death!) thinking of cracking it open again and try to fix it...again!
-Tornado's touched down in Madison Co. Friday afternoon...I had no idea until later that night when a friend called and let me know.
-Had a chance to go help do some tornado cleanup this morning...the damage was unbelievable...looked like a war zone.
-Hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close...summer time already?
-Read a very moving book by Francis Chan last week...I'll blog about it later, in the mean time it's still kicking my butt!
-The estimated total for the run for Ellie is looking around $3,000! I'll have a more accurate total by the end of the week...WOW!
-I met a couple this morning during the tornado clean up, who just showed up wanting to help in some way...I love when people respond this way...it shows there's something inside all of us that we want to serve others.
-Should I get kid of all my gray hair?? I've got a lot now...why is that??
That's about all I have right now!