Sometime today we should hear if we have "passed court" in Ethiopia. The suspense is thick...waiting for something that we've been praying about for well over a year has been an adventure. It all boils down to today's court date...
There is a man named Dereje, who is our power of attorney, who has/will present our request for the adoption of Kedest "Ellie". It's kind of mind boggling to think how this man is playing such a huge role in this part of the process...lots of what takes place is weighing on him. I know this is not the first time he's done this, but I wonder if he senses any type of "pressure" on him...I was praying for him last night...that God would use and prepare him as he presents our case to the judge.
I think there's a lesson of sorts in that...who has some "expectations" on you today? How will you come through? Hmmm...something to think about.
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