I'm going to copy a journal entry that I made this morning...yep, I keep another journal in a notebook. Here it is:
I went to another funeral last night - the fifth one in two weeks. Pretty uncommon for us to have this many in such a short time. Every service I attended, I listened, thought, prayed, wondered, re-focused. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 7:2, "Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone dies - so the living should take this heart." He was so right - going to a funeral service makes you, forces you to think about life - your life! That's what I did last night. My friend Matt Flynn died of MS at the age of 51. That's too young to die. Tragic and sad, yet last night was a true celebration - I believe God was worshiped, people were challenged, people remembered. Pictures of Matt last night was the highlight for me - pictures of a man who lived life to its fullest, even to the very end.
Maybe everyone does this...whenever I go to a funeral, I begin to think what my funeral would look like. What would be said? Who would be sharing? What was my life all about? Really makes you think...reminds me to live life to its fullest.