Tomorrow after work Holly and I are getting out of town for a few days. Mom is coming down to take care of Bryan and Ellie. We've been trying to have get-aways at least 2-3 times a year.
I'm convinced you have to have times like this to keep a marriage solid and focused. I've seen too many couples who are just struggling with their marriage. I know there are a wide range of reasons for the struggles, but I think one reason is because couples have forgotten how to communicate with each other. They've forgotten how to communicate why they got married in the first place...love.
I realize in a family there are lots of "hats" being worn by husbands and wives...work and schedules sometimes get overwhelming. Even when you are home together as a family, needs of our kiddos override the needs of the husband and wife.
So that's why we carve out weekends like this. And you have to do just that...carve out time. Plan ahead and schedule it, because there will always be something else that will take its place.
I love weekends like this with Holly. We have undivided time for one another...no schedule, no kids, no demands, just time one on one.
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22