Dang, what a busy week...our children's ministry at our church had VBS this week and I was a recreation leader. It was like organized chaos! But a great week with a bunch of kids.
Two weeks ago we were in California for some vacation...what a week we had. Really loved being out in that neck of the woods, but would NOT want to live there...I guess I'm pretty much accustomed to the simpler life here in Richmond, KY.
You name it...we did it. Disneyland, Disney California, Hunnington Beach (surf city!), Venice Beach (WEIRD!), Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Sea World (San Diego), and Universal Studios in Hollywood. One night we went to the Medieval Times which was really a lot of fun. It was eating food with your hands while you cheered on different horses and their riders while they dueled, jousted, etc. Funny stuff!
We all had our favorite parts of the trip...it was so much different than going to the beach and being a lazy slug the whole week. I just really enjoyed being with my family. My favorite place we went to was Universal Studios in Hollywood. They just had a really cool set up throughout the whole park.
When we returned home Holly and I both went through the "home from vacation funk." The thought of getting back into "normal" life was tough to transition to. Glad to be home...