I love this show! Been a fan since it first came on...I'm amazed at their drive and ambition...I'm amazed at their ability to work non-stop 12-14 hour days...all for the love of the crab and ultimately the MONEY! They considered this the worlds deadliest job...after watching it, I believe it.
Anybody else a fan? Whose your favorite captain and boat? I'm a fan of Sig Hansen and the Northwestern. Here's the web site
I'm a fan of Sig as well and the fact that he won't shake a "Greenhorn's" hand until AFTER he has gone an entire run with them.
Did I mention that he shakes their hand AFTER they are done?
3 times we have had pizza and probably one more time before the weeks up.
The Wii's getting a workout as well
Geron Brown is a big fan. His wife on the otherhand, is not. Geron told me he wanted me to see something the other night on that show. I ran to look--it was one of the guys biting the head off the fish--I almost lost my dinner. You guys enjoy it all you like. This girl will stick to THE OFFICE.
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