Every have the opportunity to be a mascot? Twice now I've been able to do such a thing...I'm not sure why I dig mascots, maybe it's because you can act like a complete idiot and no one knows.
Today I got to be Larry the Cucumber at our new Lifeway store here in Richmond. I had a blast shaking hands, high five-ing kids, giving the thumbs-up, lots of hugging and head rubbing, even danced the robot a few times. Yea, there were some kids who screamed thinking this giant pickle looking thing was going to rip their hand off...but overall a great time was had.
Ellie wasn't sure what to think...she just waved from a distance.
I think there is a sermon illustration in this somewhere...really!
How did you get to have such a fun job today?
Ellie seems to be like Cora in that they'd rather wave at Bob and Larry from a distance. Smart girl.
Remember Piddle Johnson?? She goes to FBC and she's the new manager at the Lifeway store in Richmond...can you believe we are moving up in the world!
Yes, we have very smart girls!
haha! This is awesome. I am so glad that I am not the only one who has experienced being a mascot. Try being the "Eat Mor Chikin" Cow!! Larry the Cucumber was my favorite though lol "OH Wheeere is my hairbrush?"
sermon: Suffer the little children to come unto me. that pretty much sums it up!
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