Seems like lots of things have been happening over the past week or's a recap of a few:
-My son Bryan started middle school a week and a half ago. That ain't quite right...last Sunday was his first official day in our youth ministry at FBC. He even went on his first official trip yesterday. It was a guy’s only paintball trip...what a hoot! My first time playing...I now have a few bruised spots and very sore, but a great time. You can check out where we played here. A great farm in Waddy, KY. a great time...I even got Bryan a time or two!
-Our house that we are building is coming right along. We all went to check out the progress on Friday. There are still framing as you can see in the pics...should be done sometime late October. Still praying for our house to sell. We have a contract on ours, but these folks have to sell their house to buy ours (the domino effect!). Holly and I were trying to envision where things could be placed...we even spent some time praying over the house and those who are building it. Exciting stuff!

-Oh yea...a huge congrats to our dear friends Geron and Lydia Brown on the birth of their little girl Cora Sophia Brown. I love that name, kinda rolls of your tongue!
-Last thing...I gotta say that I've been really enjoying the fact that I'm finished with seminary. It's been really nice having some "free" nights to do anything, but not studying. I've actually been doing a whole lot of reading, but books that I've been choosing to read. I'll share some of those tomorrow.
Glad you are back... i have missed you! but on a more personal note, it has been TERRIFIC to have you not studying at home! I love the time we are getting to spend together!
Love you!!
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