-Saturday's UofL game was a good one...they beat Pittsburgh 23-13. Holly and I scored two tickets to the game...drove up Friday night and spent the night with mom. She made some of her famous chili for dinner and then we played some rummy.
-PERFECT football weather on Saturday...kinda cold with a slight breeze every-now-and-then. I LOVE the atmosphere of a college football game...it's kinda hard to describe if you've never been. You just feel so part of the game! We're hoping to go to the Louiville / Rutgers game after Thanksgiving.
-Friday morning myself and four other buddies went to Old Silo to play some golf. What a great time we had...started off with some breakfast at good ole Cracker Barrel. Old Silo is a tough course, last time I played it...it ate my lunch. On Friday, it ate my lunch and dinner!

-However, the highlight of the day was playing with a good friend who just got back from Iraq. I cannot imagine being gone from my family for 15 months and then to come home and pick things up where you left. Believe me the golf was secondary...it was just good to have our friend Marty home...back in the US and safe. Thanks Marty for serving the way you did! Let's play some more golf soon...on second thought...how about Frisbee golf instead?

-The hunting season is just around the corner...and I am getting stoked! Six days of being in the woods...hunting all day, eating and playing cards at night. Not a bad way to spend a week! I've been getting myself pumped up by watching some of my hunting DVD's. These things crack me up, but they do get me stoked! I'll make sure and take some pics while in the tree stand, so you can feel excited.
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