Tonight Holly is going to Shelbyville to speak to a womens that leaves us men to fin for ourselves tonight. So that means it's going to be a DAD and LAD night.
"Dad and Lad" night/days started back when Bryan was in Kindergarten. He went half every Friday (which is my day off) I would pick him up from school, and we would go doing something together...thus the name 'dad and lad'.
This tradition still carries on today, even with him being eleven. The things we do have changed over the years, but believe me, it's all about the time together. Here are a few things that we've done over the years:
-Gatti Town & video games (LOTS of these!)
-Lowes to look at tools, weed eaters, and lawn mowers
-restaurants (Moe's, McDonalds, Chinese to name a few)
-Barnes and Noble bookstore (our haven!)
-concerts (last year went to Evansville to see Toby Mac)
-Video game nights at the house
-Dicks Sporting Goods
-Circuit City to look at the tv's and play the video games
So tonight we are planning on dinner at Moe's...and then on to Barnes and Noble to look at books and listen to music. We'll probably get something at Starbucks while we are there!
I love Bryan...he brings us much joy in life, just because he's Bryan.
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