My earliest recollection was around 8 years old, so let's start there:
Ages 8-18 = at least 15 times (couple of years I went twice)
As a youth minister...19 years going almost every year and again, some years I went more than once! = 30 times
So let's say from age 8 till 40 I've been to King's Island approximately 45 times. That's a lot of Beast riding!
My first ever roller coaster was the Racers...I think I was 10. My sister Lisa and I got on (the blue car)...she had ridden it before. As we were climbing the hill I began crying my eyes out...Lisa is trying to convince me it will be okay and that I will love it. As the coaster peaked over the hill racing towards the bottom, my crying and tears turned into shouting for more throughout the rest of the ride. What a day that was! Now I don't even like the Racer...too slow and too bumpy!
Here's some pics from the Treo:

How many times do you have someone throw up while at Kings Island?
Jeff, I thought that incident on the racers was just a few years ago, wasn't it??? Ha Ha, just kidding!
We had some good times there, didn't we?
Nothing like going mega fast with bugs smashing into your mouth.
Don't forget about riding
The Beast in the rain, which actually felt more like hail than water.
By the way, that book I'm reading is called The Saving Life of Christ
It's written by Major W.Ian Thomas
Jess, no one has topped your mom's throwing up...not that it was a "violent" throw up, but the fact she patiently waited until after riding Face-Off...leaned over the fence and made a deposit!
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