After running the mini-marathon back in April, several folks asked, "Are you going to keep on running?" The easy answer is "YES!"...but I've struggled with motivation. I need something to challenge me...a goal to shoot for in running. I guess the motivation of just doing it for my health is not enough...I'm too weak and am addicted to cookies and ice cream!
So...here's the new challenge that I've been working towards. My buddy Mike McMahan is a big sprint triathlon-ist (sp?)...what's a sprint triathlon? A much shorter version of something like the Iron Man Triathlon in Hawaii...much, much shorter! Anyhoo...he encouraged me to try this thing out, even loaned me one of his bikes.
Sunday, July 26th I'll be competing in the Mike Caudill Memorial Triathlon. It will consist of 600-yards of swimming...12 mile bike ride...and 3.1 miles of running.
Last night I went out and biked 8 miles and attempted to run two...I only ran maybe a half mile...my legs were like spaghetti!
Hmmmmm...what have I gotten into??
1 comment:
Jeff, Please call me to work on cycling, I will make myself available to ride with you.
Bruce withers
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