I'm sure there are a thousand ways to define "freedom" and chances are we all have different ideas behind it's truest meaning. I would suspect most Americans do not have a notion of what it would mean not to have freedom...including myself.
So I try to educate myself and remember what was put on the line in order for me to do something as simple as blogging, not to mention a thousand other things that we Americans have the "freedom" to do.
Tomorrow is Memorial Day...formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. I can't recall anyone in my family who has died while serving in the military...but when I get a chance to speak to a veteran I try to convey my thanks to them for their service.
A high price was paid, no doubt. I think a great reminder for all Americans is to watch "Saving Private Ryan" if not the whole movie, just the first 15 minutes. It depicts what D-day could have looked like. It's gruesome and raw to watch. One day I want Bryan to sit and watch it with me. I think it's a good reminder to know the price for freedom.
In connection to my relationship with God. I have experienced "freedom" from a former way of living by accepting God's son Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. But that freedom came with a price.
No huge plans for Memorial Day. Bryan has to go to school. Holly, Ellie and I are going to help a fellow church move to a new location. It will some great time spent with family and friends.