Bryan had an unfortunate skateboarding accident Saturday afternoon. He was on EKU's campus riding on his new long board. He was shredding into a curve that was a little too sharp and he knew he had to bail. So he jumped for the grass and the pictures tell the rest of the story.
I'm hurting for my a parent you never want your children to encounter any kind of harm. But, being that Bryan is a skateboarder...this comes with the territory.
I remember when I was 13 years old and went down a hill that was way too much for my ability...I ended up with a lot of road rash much like Bryan's...even have a scar on my hand to be a permanent reminder!
After he was cleaned and bandaged up I asked him if he was getting back on that thing...he said, "Oh yea!" I'm glad to hear him say that...just because you fall down doing something you love, doesn't mean you just stay down...that's where the passion and zeal kick in!
please no "helmet preaching". we didn't wear them as kids either!
WOW. Holly told me 'concussion'. I didn't even think about what the outside of his head would look like. WOW.
This is Bryan, you should see the other pics!! I'm feeling 100% and will start riding again Saturday!
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