I remember sitting in a seminary class once and the discussion came up about underlining your favorite verses in your bible...you know marking it up.
One guy in particular said that he doesn't do that because you would have to underline everything...everything is "worthy" of underlining in the bible. I didn't really agree...I'm pretty sure not too many people have underlined Psalm 137:9 (go ahead and look it up, it's one of those obscure verses in the bible, but there for a reason...that's another post)
Well I'm a bible highlighter. I've underlined verse, written notes, etc. all throughout my Bible. I also sometimes put dates beside a verse...all of this to remind me of a particular season of my life where that verse was powerful and helpful.
Is it wrong to mark up God's word? I don't think so. Matter of fact I think Christians cut verses out of the Bible that they don't like...maybe not literally, but they may ignore verses that strike some serious nerves in our lives. Believe me, I'm guilty of this too!
I remember a quote from my youth minister Kerry Jones...he was preaching in "big church" once and he said, "I want you to underline that verse, use a pen, pencil, crayon...gosh maybe even spit on it to remember where it is."
I've underlined in pen, highlighters, pencil...but never spit. At least not yet!
My Bible is highly marked and noted as well. I've had it since I was 16 and it's part of the story of my life with all the dates and "moments" written in - it's neat to see how God has moved and worked in my life to teach and prod me. Since it's several years old, it's pretty worn and could really use some repair or perhaps I need to purchase a new one, but I simply can't part with it or think of using another one because of all the reminders I have in it.
Also - I have several verses marked in Crayon in mine - all because of KJ! :)
I have 2 Bibles that I use all the time and both are marked up "alot" especially the oldest one. I have special prayers in them and dates and sermon notes from different speakers that I refer to quite often. Even have some special prayers and notations of answered prayers for "all my kids"marked in them. Very special reminders of God's grace and mercy and love.
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