Here's the run down of a Saturday in the Prosser household:
9:00am Woke Up! (This is an absolute rarity! Ellie is typically an early riser and I usually don't sleep past 8am on "sleep-in" days)
9am - 10:30am Let the laziness begin. Laid in bed, played with Ellie, watched home improvement shows, Sportscenter.
10:45am Took shower
11:00am More laziness
11:30am Ate lunch...peanut butter and strawberry jelly
11:45am Read, dozed off
12:30pm Played with Ellie
1:00pm Woke Bryan up...typical Saturday wake up for him
1:15pm More playing with Ellie
2:15pm Went to Lexington to meet up with the Osborne's
3:00pm Hung out with Doug, Michelle and Bella
Made Christmas cookies (tradition!), ate, watched NCAA
Played PS3, Frosted cookies, ate cookies
Continued to hang out with some lifelong great friends!
9:00pm Headed home, back to Richmond!
9:30pm Home, Chilling out
11:00pm Good-night!
My kind of weekend!
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