Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Quick update!

I went to my doc appointment yesterday...he told me everything is looking good on the recovery part of surgery. He even told me to start trying to walk without crutches (as much as I could). So yesterday I took some baby steps without the aide of the crutch! And today I actually walked (more like stumbled!) from the bedroom to the kitchen crutch less. It felt pretty good! Little sore still...

Anyhoo...tonight I'm actually going to R.I.O.T. which is our Wednesday night youth worship. I've had my leaders leading everything since last Wednesday and even tonight. So I'm just going to hang out with my teens and worship with responsibilities attached.

Next week, I'm attempting to go back to work (if I can drive!). ANYTHING other than sitting here on this couch!


Anonymous said...

hurry up and heal so you can jump on the trampoline...

Lydia said...

Allright, buddy, we're ready for some new posts here. I understand ministry is a busy life, but when you live 5 hours away from some of your best friends, blogs are important, too! So get the ball rolling!! (I mean this in the kindest way possible and please be forgiving as my hormones are all out of whack!)