It's the Friday after T-day. I'm actually blogging at my sister's house, sitting in front of the fire in their "new home" (one year next month!) It's like a stinking ski lodge! Beautiful!
Anyhow, just chilling by the fire...got up early this morning, I can't sleep in like I used to! My bro-in-law and I cooked a big ole breakfast for everyone this morning, (of course after swearing off food for at least at week after all the eating yesterday, yea right!).
So today's agenda is much like yesterday's...no real agenda, no phones to answer or calls to make, no prepping for Sunday, just being with family! We're going to go by and visit with Hollybird's parents, then head home to Richmond.
A great day yesterday, little different...first Thanksgiving not being at mom's old house. Lot's of food, lot's of music...we broke out the guitars, drums, keyboards, etc. Just a good ole day!
So thankful for my family...I love them much.