Of course our beloved Sparks died back in May...since then we have acquired two new cats. We have Reece and Felix. Fleix was named Phoebe at first...you know that's a girly type name. After her first visit to the vet we found out that she was a he, therefore he is called Felix.
Good cats...lot's a fun...oh and they both are Louisville Cardinal fans!
did i somehow stumble onto the crazy old lady blog.
blogging about your cats!!!
come on, reclaim your manhood!!
Watch it now...I'm not a crazy ole man! I'll smack you down with my cane ole boy...
HA! We had a kitty in Richmond for awhile...the cat hung around our deck and we started feeding it and nicknamed it Miss Kitty. Geron noticed one day that is wasn't a "miss kitty" so we just changed it's name to Mr.Kitty. I don't know what happened to that cat.
Jeff, I'm sorry to tell you this but your cats aren't really cardinal fans. They like to eat birds.. They're true Wildcats in disguise.
Is that your sister's UL blanket those cats are laying on?????
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