This is a picture of where I'll be for the next several days. It's my annual deer hunting trip with my father-in-law and a few other fellas. The basics of the next several days will be to: get up early, sit in a tree, eat and play cards. What a schedule!
Now some folks don't understand that "sit in a tree" part...what's the fun or adventure in that you may ask...
It's all about some solitude, peacefulness, quiet, stillness, slowing down and just sitting. There's something "magical" how the woods come alive, when the sun comes up, squirrels start making their morning rounds, along with some turkeys. What stokes me is when deer come your way and you just watch them for awhile...unless of course it's like a monster buck and then you have to put the cross hairs on that one!
But for me I find more peace sitting up in a tree and just watching for hours at a time...if a deer comes by...that's an added bonus to the day. Hard describe, you may think I'm weird or a little off...I guess we all have our own "woods" that we retreat to from time to time. I am ready to go...ready for some quality time with my father-n-law...ready to enjoy some nature...and maybe bring home a bigger buck than last year!
I'll be back to blogging sometime Wednesday of next week!
murderer. deer have feelings to!
You sound exactly like your father-in-law as he packed up his "stuff" this a.m. (or was it the middle of the night!!). He said all the same things you just said in this blog; but mostly, was looking forward to spending some time with you. So, good luck, guys!!!!
geron cracked me up.
bring home the meat. Kroger is expensive these days.
Bag -A - Buck .
Only in the Woods .
I expect pictures .
If you happen to see one of those turkeys, tie him to a tree and give me the location---I'll take care of the rest
it must be the ''man thang''...ok...noticed you didn't mention the BRRRRR..COLD...but I can understand your feelings...the solitude, peace with the world, nature, yourself and God....
sure hope you get that Buck...and we have a big stew gathering!!
Vicki in Lex....
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