Holly dropped me off Saturday morning as close as she could get to Southern Parkway...runners were everywhere. I think the total count was 12,000 registered runners for the day...a mass of people. Got loose, stretched, bathroom check, stretched some more...and then the starting gun popped.
I was feeling really good the first couple of miles...really took off fast, probably too fast! Got into Iroquois Park (lots of hills!) and running well...when we came out of the park we were at mile six, then it got hot!
At the start of the race the temp was 72 degrees (7:30am)...at mile six it was 80 degrees and kept getting hotter. Made sure to stay good and hydrated...kudos to the Mini Marathon Crew, they were prepared and ready for a hot day!
Mile nine we were running in Churchill Downs...legs started cramping a bit...other runners, including me, were slowing down. After that it was a pretty flat straight shot to downtown Louisville.
When I got to the last mile...the crowds were getting larger and louder. People are lined up practically from start to finish to cheer folks on. When you got downtown it was a really cool feeling. Holly, Bryan, my mom, and Lloyd and Joann were waiting at the finish line...I was looking for them in the last 200 yards...crossed the line and looked up in a parking garage...I could hear Holly shouting. WOW...what a feeling that was to see them. It was a great feeling to finish the race.
THANKS to everyone who prayed and supported the RUN FOR ELLIE...I'm not sure how much was raised just yet. When I get that total I'll pass it on to you. Throughout this whole challenge my motivation was a little girl in Africa who hasn't met us yet. We continue to wait for a court date...all in God's timing! I look forward to one day sharing with her about this run.
Below are some pics...my body is still sore...someone ask me if I'm going to continue to run, yep I think so. Holly, Bryan and I are planning to run some 5k's this summer together. I might train for the mini again next year...we'll see!