Sorry for a delay in blogging...had a full week of stuff, got some kind of stomach virus on Saturday (almost over it!). So here's an update on my karate kid son Bryan!
Bryan of course has been taking Aikido with Master Sensei Ron Boyd of the Bushido Aikido School. He started back in January of this year...every Thursday night he attends an hour-and-a-half class. They work through all kinds of cool moves, etc.
Well this past Thursday night Holly went and picked up Bryan from Aikido...he walks through the front door and he's wearing this way cool YELLOW belt. It was testing night for him and he had no idea. Of course that is the idea, so they can't like prepare in advance. So according to Sensei Ron and the two other black belts...he passed and moved to the yellow belt. See pics!
His goal of course is to one day be a black belt. But today...I can still take him, but not for long. He demonstrated some moves on me...he knows his stuff! I am proud!

You are proud and I am SCARED!!! He can't come to Chattanooga now. NO way, too dangerous! He might beat Geron up!
Okay, he can come if he will go easy on us.
P.S. We are very proud, too! Way to go, Bryan!!!
We are proud too!!! He's just a "way-cool kid" in many many different perspectives and we love him sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!! Nana and Papa
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