I REALLY am trying to be a more consistent blogger, but sometimes things just get too busy. Summertime is here and things have been extremely busy...so here's what's happened the past couple of weeks.
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION / ROAD TRIPTwo weeks ago I turned 39 (dang...I'm knocking on 40's door). We decided to celebrate by going to visit some best friends in the whole wide stinking world...the Brown family in Chattanooga. Went down on a Thursday night and it was our first official "family" trip in our new van. Had a great drive down...cranking out some tunes on the iPod, etc.
Geron and Lydia Brown have been dear friends of ours for many years...they moved to Chattanooga about three years ago (i think). Chattanooga is a great town...we basically just hung out together, playing cards, catching up on everything. One of the highlights of the trip was to see their little girl Cora...man she's a sweetheart! We had to come back Saturday night...it's never long enough, but we had a great time together.
Oh yea...birthday gifts that were received! Holly and my mom chipped in on golf lessons with a local pro here in Richmond. If you read some previous post you'll see I'm trying to get a little more consistent in my game. So a great gift! (I'll let you know how that pans out). I received some $$$ from my in laws...thanks guys...I'll probably use that for something golf related. My good buddy Geron bought me lunch at Chi Burger, Chi Burger while we were in Chattanooga...mmmmmm good! And I received several cards from friends. So overall...a great b-day! And "no" I don't feel 39.
MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMPLast week I took our middle school group to a week long camp at Crossings at Cedarmore. We got back yesterday afternoon...what a great week! My son Bryan is now part of our youth ministry so this was his first camp with his pop being his youth minister.
The plan has been that I won't begin my transition to my new position as Associate Pastor until we have an interim in place. So last week was probably my last camp experience as a youth minister being that we should have an interim in place sometime in the next two weeks.
Again, a great week with a great group of youth. But man, the schedule was BUSY...and it started EARLY. Most camps begin with breakfast around 8am or so...last week we were all up at 6am to make a 7am breakfast time. But I gotta say our middle school guys were all over it...after about making 3 to 4 wake up calls each morning.
It was cool to be there with my son Bryan...I told him that I would make sure and play the role as youth minister to him and not dad. Unless of course he needed money for something! Love ya big guy!
TODAYToday I slept in...I mean really slept in. My body was so tired from the week that I slept until 11am! I haven't done that in a L-O-N-G time!
We went to see Oceans 13 up at Hamburg. GREAT movie! A definite thumbs UP! I am a big fan of the Ocean movies...the first one was excellent, the second one was so-so, but 13 is really good. Almost as good as the first. Same cast as in the past along with Al Pacino, who plays a great character. We ran into some good buddies from FBC and enjoyed the movie together.
Came home...did a little weed eating...washed and waxed my truck...had a pretty decent water fight with Bryan...now I'm blogging and getting ready to munch down on some pizza. I'll see ya soon...