*Went and saw Evan Almighty last night with the fam. Although critics really hammered it...I thought it was good. LOTS of great teachable clips that could be used!!
*On Monday I purchased a new game for the Xbox-360. Of course I got it for Bryan...hmmm, sure I did...anyhoo, we got Guitar Hero Two. Crazy game...all of us were playing it together last night trying to out do each other.

*Vacation is drawing near. I don't think I've ever looked forward to getting away on vacation as much as this one. It's been a really different/difficult year for us as a family...lots of challenges to say the least. I'll have to post about the past year sometime soon to give you some perspective. Soooo...we are taking off to sunny California here in a few weeks to go see the sights. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Hollywood, Sea World, maybe a baseball game...it's just going to be us three and my mom this year. I'm really enjoying looking forward to getting away...does that make sense?
makes perfect sense! I can't wait either. We NEED to get away!
ok...now how did you all get to be so famous that they posted your welcome in Hollywood??!! Is there fame in this family I know nothing about??? Riches I know....but fame?? um....hum....
Love ya'll..
Vicki C.
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