Whewww...after a long summer break from CSI's, it's back! Officially it was back on Monday with CSI:Miami.
You have to understand, I'm a CSI junkie...I don't have a lot of shows that I follow, I mean really follow...I am a fan of all three of them. I blogged about this sometime ago, but all three are so alike in some ways and then really diverse. They all have a “lead” man…Grissom, Mac and Horatio…of course they are investigating ‘crime’ (duh, that’s the idea!)
Monday night kicked off the new season with Miami…got to say, not my favorite…kinda thought it STUNK! Last night was New York…HOME RUN show…really done well and they even added a little something extra that could play out the entire season.
Tonight it the original CSI…Vegas. They left a huge cliffhanger for you to ponder on throughout the summer…and that will come to a close tonight. So we’ll see if they can top New York.
Of the three lead men…I’m a Mac Taylor fan. I’ve always been a fan of Gary Sinise…you know Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump??
VEGAS 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just got done watching premire (sara lives)
Dude, you need to watch LIFE if you haven't allready.
Can't wait to see you guys Monday!
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