Great game on Saturday night...yes, I wish it was a better turnout. But just so you know...I'm not a bandwagon fan of the Cards, always have been and always will be. You cut me open...I'll bleed red! Some of the UK fans were in such an uproar whenever Coach Brooks made a play they didn't like or the outcome wasn't the best...no wonder Tubby left for Minnesota.
What stunk last night (other than Louisville's defense) were some of the UK fans...I would venture to say they borderlined STUPIDITY and just plain OBNOXIOUS...now notice I said "some" of the fans not all. The walk from the stadium to our car was like walking through a gauntlet of sorts. Little kids, big kids reminding me of who won the game as I was proudly wearing my Louisville jersey. As if I didn't know...I simply just said "what a game" to them and waited for a response back...they didn't know how to respond because I had defused the conversation. I think I was "flipped off" (you know the finger!) like a dozen times by, once again, obnoxious UK fans.
I know Cardinal fans aren't innocent of this kind of taunting...there are a few nutty fans there to. But I will say this...I was at the game last year when the Cards won at Pappa Johns stadium over the cats and from what I saw the Cardinal fans had some class about them...even with a victory!
Good game to all the cat fans...maybe this means we'll win the basketball game!
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