Thursday, October 09, 2008

Catalyst Update

Hey the hotel has a computer!


That's one way to describe the past two days of Catalyst 2008. But wow, what a conference! Yesterday was lab day...I went to four different lab sessions, different speakers, different topics. Good stuff!

Today was filled with all kinds of stuff...12,000 people from everywhere were in attendance. Here are a few thoughts and descriptions after day one:

powerful teaching, lots of laughing, passionate worship and worship leaders, tears, more laughter, diversity, listening, LOUD and soft music, fun, thought provoking, soul searching, wonder what the heck is wrong with church thinking, I want to see change in our church or leave, challenged by some great leaders and communicators.

There you go in a nutshell! We're headed back home tomorrow when things conclude...I miss my boy! But I am looking forward to hearing Dave Ramsey tomorrow...especially after all that's happening in the world of finance and economics! Until then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catalyst was incredible. I should have been on the lookout for you. Hope all is well.