Finished "The Shack" this morning at Starbucks...here are my thoughts:
Here's a quick "cliff note" of the overall story...Mack's youngest daughter, Missy, is brutally murdered in a shack while on a camping trip. Years pass and Mack is struggling with what he calls "The Great Sadness." Mack receives an invitation to go back to the shack...he goes and for a weekend he spends time with the Pappa, Jesus and Sarayu (the trinity).
1. The book is FICTIONAL...it was written as FICTION...
2. This book stirred some emotion in me several times because of moments in the story that brought back memories of my brother who died in 1978 and when my dad died in 2000. I'm talking being stirred up inside and moved to some tears...
3. I loved the imagery of William Young's writing...
4. Parts of the book parallel scripture and I loved it because it made some things make more sense.
5. Some of the book is not theologically sound...and it could cause some serious confusion for a Christian depending on where they are in their faith. To the believer and the unbeliever it could come across as universalism.
6. There are some parts that made me think, hmmmmmmmm...not quite sure about that. Here's one particular one...
-Jesus says in the book, "I am the best way any human can relate to pappa or Sarayu." Scripture says in John 14:6 "I am the way..."
Some will say it's all in how you read and interpret it...and I understand and hear that, but again to the new Christian or unbeliever who is searching for truth, some of the theology in "The Shack" could be taken as just that, truth. Remember, it's a fictional book.
7. The book is controversial amongst the "church world", but I think it has opened the doors for some great discussion. And when entering into that arena of discussion get your bible out and make that the source of truth. But I think believers need to be studied up on what scripture says about God, Son and Holy Spirit.
8. And lastly...I enjoyed the book...again, it stirred me up a bit and caused me to go to the Bible...but that's a good thing.
For those who have criticized the book...have you read it? If you have read it and totally don't agree...use it as a 'tool' of discussion with others.
I wonder when Lifeway is going to develop a bible-study around this...don't hold your breath...
i was in lifeway the other day and asked them if they had "jim and casper.." first they lady asked if it was a children's book, then told me they didn't have it. then said "we have the shack!"
You should have heard here response when i asked if they had Velvet Elvis
Now that's odd...
Thanks for the cliff notes! HA! Now I definitely want to read it. Did Geron tell you the only reason he went to lifeway was to see Bob and Larry? Yeah, FOR GERON to see them.
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