I love the church that I serve...we've been at First Baptist Richmond for almost twelve years now. Mentors in my life have always said there were great rewards to longevity in ministry. In particular staying at one place for a long period of time. I have found this to be true at FBC...again, I love the people in this place.
I've watched our church change in a lot of different ways...some of those changes were embraced, some not so much embraced, but endured. And not just change for the sake of change, but change as to our overall mission as a church. And that's a good thing! Because to me our overall mission as a church is to be like Jesus in everything that we do. Read scripture...He was all about doing life different and it involved a lot of change. Jesus was all about elevating His Father.
But some people just miss that. They miss the "being like Jesus" part. They miss the part that those who don't know Jesus really don't give a flip about church politics and our own personal agendas.
It's sad that some believers miss this. It has made for some interesting conversation that I have no problem engaging in...I pray to be able to be a change agent when I have those kinds of conversations.
I think Psalm 115:1 sums it up pretty well...
"Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
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