I have a great fear of going to the dentist. Before I type anymore let me explain…I’ve had this fear since I was a kid…not sure where or why it started. Maybe it’s the sound of the drill…the grinding and burning smell of teeth…perhaps that little suction, slurpy thing that sucks the inside of your mouth off…don’t know! I just know I have a fear (Dentophobia- fear of dentists…to go along with Algophobia- fear of pain).
I’ve been putting this off for sometime now. When I had my knee surgery back in March at one point during the surgery they had to intubate me. When they were finished they began to pull the tube out of my throat and I clamped down on it like Mike Tyson clamping down on Holyfield’s ear. So they YANKED the tube out and in doing so broke my front tooth above the gum line.
So for the past several months I’ve been eating with the side of my mouth because of the stinking pain of this tooth. Earlier in May I went to the dentist and they made a partial mold and even going to that appointment was tough enough.
Alright, long story longer…went to the dentist yesterday…it was d-day. My dentist numbed my mouth…it felt like a Fat Albert lip…he kept on saying you won’t feel a thing, just pressure! I saw the pliers/torture device go into my mouth and bingo…my tooth was extracted, pulled, yanked, etc. He slapped the partial tooth in (going to get a bridge in a few months) and I was out the door. I think the whole ordeal took 20 minutes. I made a mountain out of a mole hill. No pain…just pressure!
One of my teenagers at lunch yesterday, suggested I get a gold tooth…he said I could "bling" while I was preaching. I declined on the gold tooth…and NO, don’t ask me to pull my tooth out.
I still have a fear of going to the dentist.
1 comment:
It actually took about 14 minutes, and the look on your face as you came out was priceless. It said "Thank you God that it is over and I am alive" and "I can't believe I made such a big deal out of this" all at the same time! Bryan and I were in the waiting room and could hear the drill, suction, etc. At one point, Bryan looked at me and said "I hope he's okay back there". We weren't too sure, judging from the look of total dread and disgust on your face going in. And I did like Bryan's suggestion that your next Bible study could be on the parable of the "lost tooth".. ha ha ha!
Love you
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