Okay tomorrow is Sunday, if you are going, what do you wear to church? The following stems from a bible study that I was in a few weeks ago. Someone brought up the topic of "the right clothes to wear on Sunday." Good discussion came from this...some of it was debatable, some was comical, some was absurd and some was sensible.
If you know me, then you know I’m not much of a tie wearer…occasionally I’ll wear them…sometimes because as a minister that’s what’s expected. I wouldn’t dare wear cut-off’s and a t-shirt to perform a wedding ceremony (unless the bride and groom asked me to, even then I would feel awkward).
Anyhoo, a gentleman in the bible study made the remark that people should wear coats and ties, dresses, etc. to church...we are honoring God by doing so. I disagree. Jesus came to change my life, not my shirt. In our church we have all spectrums of dress on Sunday mornings…those who wear jeans and polo shirts, t-shirts / slacks and button downs / classy dresses and hats / occasionally the three piece polyester suit / skirts / etc. you get the idea…a huge range.
Typically I wear dress pants and a button down shirt (every now and then a tie). Sunday nights I’ll even wear jeans! For me it goes back to being a member of our church staff as to what I wear on Sundays. The Apostle Paul says that he became all things to all people (1 Corinthians 9: 19-23). If it helps someone to know come to Christ…heck I’ll even put on that three piece polyester suit.
On the flip side…yes, I do want to honor God with what I wear…I think we should…I don’t want to cause someone to stumble. But to say, you gotta wear a dress or coat and tie to church…because it honors God? Don’t think so.
So what do we wear? I believe part of an answer may be wear you live...depends on your church...depends on you.
So what do you think? I’d love to hear more discussion on this. I realize this is not a real deep theological idea, but I was surprised at the bible study as to how much attention it was given.
I’ve have to go now…gotta iron that suit for tomorrow!
I think this is a great example of people being bound by "law" rather than living by grace. Personally, I do not think that God cares about what I wear to church, so long as it is not too revealing or inappropriate like that. The Bible says that God looks not at the outward appearance of man, but at the heart. I think the more important question woudl be "what is our heart clothed with for worship?" Are we going into church with unconfessed sin in our lives, therefore hindering free worship? Are we carrying bitterness and resentment in our lives, which clothes us in darkness? Seems to me that if the church as a whole focused more on those things, we would never have to worry with the clothing on our bodies. Just a thought from my heart.
I agree with you all. I dont think it matters what we wear to church. Every Sunday you will see me dressed comfortable. I usually wear jeans and a nice shirt, every now and then a t-shirt, jsut depending on what I am doing that day. See when I go to church I am going to worship and I worship by serving God, by working with the kids at our church. So I am not going to go in my nicest outfit when I play with paint almost all the time. But even if I didnt work with the kids I still wouldnt dress in a dress. To worship you need to be comfortable and God doesnt want a fake you to worship. He wants the real you and the real me is jeans. Jsut my opinion
your obviously not a suit wearer if your goona try to iron it yourself.
just a question, God had very specific rules for what the priests were to wear in the OT. Why?
Good question Geron... I want to know too.... So tell us, seminary graduate. Why did they have to wear certain things??
Good question...Exodus 28 is where you'll find some of the specifics as to what priest were to wear.
Aaron of course is the first "high priest" that we read about...the high priest was to enter the Holy of Holies on the day of atonement (which is Yom Kimpur). The high priest would pray and sacrifice the blood of the sin-offering for himself and the people.
According to Exodus 28 God gave specific garments to be worn to, as 28:2 says, "...to give him dignity and honor."
There are lots of other pieces that were worn that have different significance.
Today we don't need a "high priest" to go before God, we have access to Him because of Jesus Christ. Christ replaces the Levitical priesthood.
Of course some clergy still wear collars and robes...I think that helps others identify who they are.
I bet my good buddy Alan Creech may have some wisdom for us in all of this...
hats off to Dr. Betts at SBTS, Old Testament guru...
Wow, Jeff. You ARE a genius. You used some fancy words in there.. ha ha! Seriously, thanks for explaining. I have better understanding now. I knew about the old law vs. the new covenant made through Jesus, but I did not know why the priests wore specific garments. I think i will call YOU the Old Testament guru from now on.
Thanks for putting this one out there, Jeff. I miss the freedom of dress that First Baptist offers. The Lord knows I'm his flip flop wearin' daughter, but I have to wear the best dress clothes to His house down here and I'm often uncomfortable. I desire for more churches to focus on what Holly shared and move beyond dress codes. I thank God that He does.
Jeff, thanks so much for this. I wrote a huge long comment, then decided to post it on my own blog and spare ya. Preciate your heart.
Typically, I wear to church what I would consider appropriate for work. The office in which I work is business casual - very casual. Jeans are allowed, and t-shirts and even flip flops at times. But since I'm the secretary and am the first thing people see when they come through the door, I usually wear dress shirts or polos and nice slacks or capri pants. Occassionally I'll wear a dress, but only a more casual sundress type thing. I guess what I'm rambling on about here is the fact that, if I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it to work, I wouldn't wear it to church. So pretty much the only thing that rules out is sneakers, shorts, sweats or revealing clothes. (However, I wouldn't wear revealing clothes anyway. I'm a momma and have to set a good example for my son. Plus I don't want to look like trash. :-) ) Oh, wait, sorry. You don't know me. I'm an honorary member of Clan Meadors.
Onest upon a time (and no, I'm not sharing about the cowboy again), I was in Italy on a vacation. We were in Venice and were going to St. Mark's Cathedral--I believe that's the name of the big one there. There was a priest outside the door checking all the women before they went in, to make sure their skirts were long enough and that their shoulders were covered. That's what I remember about St. Mark's. Isn't that sad? I don't remember the beautiful windows, the wonderful message the priest gave, the choir's singing (well, it wasn't Sunday, so that wasn't going on, but still...). I'd hate for a lost person to miss out on the good news of the gospel because her skirt was too short or he had on cut-offs.
I think it's sad that some folks can only worship God wearing a certain kind of clothes.
You're right, Geron. It is sad. I find it very hard to worship God with a pure heart when I am feeling vain or envious. I get tangled in those sins sometimes in church, because of the whole dressing up thing. It's a real temptation for me, so sometimes I have to avoid dressing up just to keep my heart pure. And sometimes I have to dress up, to keep from feeling self-righteous about not dressing up to keep my heart pure! ha ha. Anyway, I agree. It is sad. It's always sad when people are not able to worship God for any reason.
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