Saturday, July 08, 2006

A tender father / son moment

I love my son Bryan...he really cracks me up. He has this great dry sense of humor...and comes up with stuff that really takes me off guard. Like the other night...he's in the bed and we are getting ready to say prayers together.

Before we started to pray he says outta know where..."I wonder if we all talked in fart language what that would sound like? I mean how would certain words sound?" "Well...I guess it would be pretty loud and smelly." So for the rest of our conversation he was speaking to me in "fart" (with the use of his arm and mouth, not an actually understand.) He had a distinct short "fart" sound that was to answer "no" and a more drawn out sound for a "yes", etc. etc.

This particular conversation lasted about five minutes...then we prayed together...not in the "fart" language.

I love the mind of a ten year old boy!


Anonymous said...

I think he gets that from your side of the family!!

ann said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Ha ha ha ha! I knew there was a reason I liked Bryan! In about 20 years, if my husband dies in a computer programming accident, and I for some reason look more like a 30 year old than a 48 year old, and Bryan isn't married yet, I'm calling him! He'll know it's me, cause I'll be talking in fart language. (Or I guess I could teach my current husband fart langauge, as I don't want to lose him to a computer programming accident.)

Anonymous said...

Pttttttt thhhwrrrrttt fwwwosh pwwwt...(translation: "That's funny")

Anonymous said...

I'm sure if Bryan and Aaron had a "fart conversation" it would last for several days. Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure if Bryan and Aaron had a "fart conversation" it would last for several days. Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

aaabpthfert BLAP! fthhokforthp bbbppt Weeeeep! thnsh Squish!