Last night the fam and I were in Lexington, specifically at Barnes and Noble. We were browsing...Holly for some books for the beach, Bryan was checking things out in the kid's section...and I was browsing in the music section.
I've always been a fan of "The Police"...they were a pretty popular group when I was in high school...then the lead singer Sting went solo. I really dig his solo stuff...The Dream of the Blue Turtles, Nothing Like the Sun, etc. great tunes...and very jazzy sounding and very melodic.
So last night I came across “Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-94”…good stuff! It’s got all my favorites. They had one called the very best of The Police and Sting, but I already have the best of The Police…I’m figuring when I get my i-pod that I can put all these tunes (and many others) all on one device.
Any Sting lovers out there? (lovers of his music that is…)
In my car right now is "The Best of Sting and the Police" or the police and sting, I can't remember which. I also have whatever album has "Desert Rose" on it. I can't remember what the name of the album is, and can't leave my desk to go out in my car and see. LOL!
I guess I'm the only other Sting fan out there... and the other CD was "Brand New Day" or something like that.
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