This past Saturday morning, we (my hunting buds) woke up at 5am and got ready for opening day of the modern rifle deer season. Dang, that's early, but it's almost like the night before Christmas as a can't sleep, it consumes your thoughts, you can't wait until the morning, know what I mean?
I got into my stand about 6:25am, it was dark and very still. I love watching the woods come to life when I go hunting, it's really a spectacular thing. I'd been in the stand for maybe an hour or so and I turned to my left, and I saw this buck heading my way. I've been hunting for almost 10 years now and in all those years I have shot 2 deer. My first deer was a spike buck...little guy, but a buck. Two years ago I got a small nine pointer...a pretty small rack, but hey it's a nine pointer. As I looked through my scope on Saturday I saw that the buck coming my way was a pretty decent size. As this buck was headed my way, I found my heart was pounding something was like my heart was in my throat! I pulled the safety off, waited until the deer was in a clearing...and BAM!! The deer was harvested.
**The official term for killing a deer is to "harvest" a deer...I find that funny. Some other alternative 'bag' a buck, to 'cap' a deer, to 'lay a deer down', to 'smoke' a deer...I think any of those terms are better than 'harvest.'
So it was officially an eight point buck...I'm having him mounted at a local taxidermist (talk about a creepy looking place!)...I ought to have it sometime in January.
We had a great time...I'd call our camping experience "semi-roughing it". As you can see in some of the pics, the old bus we stay in is kinda cozy! We didn't see many more deer after Saturday...deer are smart and know when they are being hunted. So it's kinda like a waiting to be consistent in the hunt! I came home on Tuesday morning, the rest of the guys continued to hunt and my father-in-law called last night and said one of the other guys 'harvested' an eight pointer as well. Until next year!!
Woo hoo! You went and buss-ed a cap in that thang! ha. Can we say Deer Chili? You know, man, if somebody from Chicago got lost and found ya'll's school bus deer camp, they would have freaked out and thought they were in Deliverance II! aaagghh!! And that old electric heater in there looked like a recipe for a news story. Anyway, glad you got your animal. I'm thinkin' about doing some Grouse hunting this year. We'll see how that works out.
how about "murder" a deer...
you look very grizzled in that last pic!
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