I'm about middle way through Dan Kinnaman's book unchristian. Dan is the president of The Barna Group, they are the George Gallup in the Church arena. I blogged several weeks ago when this book first hit the shelves...I picked up a copy at the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. One of the sessions that I attended was Dan and several others who contributed to this book lead a panel discussion about the premise of UnChristian.
The ideal behind the book and research is what a this generation really thinks about Christianity...and let me tell you from what I've read, we better listen up, because we, the church, need to address this in some form or fashion.
Kinnaman has researched and looked at several key words and phrases that people use to describe present-day Christianity. One of those words is HYPOCRITICAL (saying one thing, doing another) Here's a quote that really struck me hard in the "hypocritical" chapter...of the pool of unchristian people polled:
"84% say they personally know at least one committed Christian. Yet just 15% thought the lifestyles of those Christ followers were significantly different from the norm. This gap speaks volumes."
Dang, that hurts!
"I am not trying to hammer born-again believers; it deeply troubles me that our witness - including my own - waters down the image of Jesus."
That perception smacks me upside my head! It challenges me...Jesus sums it all up when it comes to this idea of hypocrisy.
"Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. You are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are filthy - full of greed and self-indulgence." Matthew 23
I'd encourage anyone who is a follower of Christ to pick this book up and read it...then react.
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