But helping mom move out of her "old home" was bittersweet. We moved there in 1978...it was a brand-spanking-new house. I'll never forget the first time seeing our new home...I was ten at the time...my sister Lisa and I were debating who would get the front bedroom (she won!).
There have been so many memories that were made in that house...here are a few off the top of my head:
-I prayed to invite Christ to be Lord of my life in our family room (mom guided me through this!)
-Sleepover galores with friends and family
-Sleepovers Lisa had with her friends that I had a crush on...
-Family dinners...
-High School Graduation party
-Kissing Jill Wells in the driveway after the graduation party
-Sometimes "lively" arguments with my dad
-Thanksgiving at our house (HUGE tradition!)
-Where Holly met my family for the first time and our dog Sheba peed on her.
-A few family pets (Fudgie and our beloved Sheba)
-Thinking I was cool by trying to turn my room into a disco while playing my Saturday Night Fever ALBUM!!! Dang what's an album??
-Trying to learn how to break dance in my room my sophomore year (in front on my mirror...trying to learn 'the wave')
-My grandma using my room in her beginning stages of cancer...faintly remember that.
-Learning to mow the grass on my own...I think it took me like 4 hours to do.
-Hitting tennis balls off of our neighbors wall (I did this for hours!)
-Getting into fights with neighborhood friends...particularly with Todd Bratcher (dang I wonder what he's doing these days?)
-Riding bikes on dirt trails all over our neighborhood
-I remember the first time we took Bryan to mom and dad's...
-Lots of heart to heart conversations with mom and dad
-Many naps on the hammock under the deck...the worlds best hammock!
-Dad making some of the hottest fires in the buck stove! On those cold winter days it was awesome...sometimes it was too hot.
-Announcing our engagement to mom and dad
-Christmas was always great in our home...
-I remember the last conversation I had with my dad before he died...I had dropped Bryan off to stay with them for the weekend. Dad and I talked in the hallway, he was sitting on the stairs, we talked, what seemed to be, about everything...even death and heaven. I left and headed back to Richmond...when I got back my sister called me to tell me dad had died. Good and bad day all rolled up in one.
I know I'm missing some really big things, but these were the things off the cuff. Mom closed on the house yesterday and is moved into her new place. I'm glad that she is where she is...I have great peace of mind that Jim and Lisa are right next door.
We are a tight knit family and I wouldn't trade any of these memories for nothing...we've got many more to make, it will now be done in a new place and home.

I will miss that house too (but not being peed on). Lots of great memories there, and I know we will have many more in her new home too! I am looking forward to that.
I remember meeting JoAnn and Wayne in that house too. And I remember going away that day and feeling so good that our daughter had chosen the right family to add to ours - a family that makes good memories and keeps adding to those memories is blessed by God. God is good all the time!
You brought tears to my eyes as I read through your list of memories in our old house. Did we really fight over the front bedroom?? Ha Ha! That house has a lot of memories for me too. Mom and Dad's home was my home again for almost 3 years after my divorce. It was weird moving back in with a 4 month old baby. (Hey I actually let Aaron have the front bedroom while I took your old room!) I wouldn't have made it throuh that horrible time in my life without Mom and Dad allowing me to move back in. Even though mom's house is empty in those pictures, all our hearts are full of memories that nobody can take away from us! We'll do our absolute best to take care of mom and look out for her now that she's our next door neighbor. You know how overly protective Jim is...she'll be fine.
Hey bud,
I remember going there before and after ultimite frisbee to eat. That's right, we went before and after to eat both times. I wasn't there a whole lot, but the times I was there I remeber there was a lot of love.
To semi-qoute Toby Mac,
" Love was in the house and the house was packed "
Thanks for sharing your memories with us. Your the best!
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