She turned 40 June 12th, so her hubby (one of my best friends) planned a surprise party for her. So as we get up to where the party is...I walk in and hear a big "SURPRISE!!" Huh?? I thought they were practicing for Kim or something, but noooo. It was for real. My buddy Robo and Holly had been in on a little dual surprise b-day planning...and dang I was surprised. Friends from all over were there for Kim and I. Apparently they surprised her at 2pm...and then I arrived at 3pm...crazy day!
A great time had...they had a cool birthday cake with some old pictures from way back when. I'm actually holding a wooden duck in mine. Don't know why, but just proud to be holding a duck.
Thanks to the sneakiness of Holly-bird and guys really got me good! Now stop doing that!
party cake and snacks- 50 dollars.
gas money to get to the party- probably more than the cake and snacks
The expression on your and Kim's face- priceless.
We love you guys
Man, I'm sorry I couldn't make it that day. I had told Holly I'd try to be there at your surprise part but I mis-thought about when my son's baseball game was. Anyway, happy birthday! Sounds like you're gettin' ol.... wait! I'm older than you are! Holy crap! I think we're just "mature men" now - how about that? Peace to you guys.
something tells me they're never going to stop doing things like that to you, Jeff--neither one of them.
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