Finally! After 13 years of marriage to my best friend...I finally surprised her with something. Now, let me make this clear...Holly does not like surprises in any form or fashion. But last night for a Valentines Date I got her good.
Holly has always wanted to ride in a limousine...didn't matter where to, she just wanted to ride in one. So yesterday I told her we needed to leave around 6pm to go to dinner...as we left and got to exit 95, I pulled over at the Shell station to go in and buy some gum (I was stalling!) About 5 minutes later up pulls the big ole' white stretch limo that I had arranged. She was a hoot as she saw it drive up...we got in and then we went to dinner at Malone's in Lexington (mmmmm-gooooood!).
It was a great night together, lots of fun riding in the limo...after dinner we went over to Barnes and Noble to browse for awhile. Kinda odd getting out of a limo in front of a book store, or for that matter at a restaurant. People are starring thinking, 'who are they.' In which my reply would have been NOBODY!
We then headed back home...David Kelley (our driver and good friend) dropped us off at the Shell station where the car was parked. I'm sure the Shell station doesn't see that sort of thing too often!
I love my wife! I mean I'm really crazy about her! She has blessed my life so much...here's to many more years together Bird!
You sure did get me good! For those who may be wondering why I wanted to ride in a limo.... it started when I was around 6 or 7 years old. I saw a neighbor getting into a limo, and thought how romantic that must be (i am a hopeless romantic). A few years ago, I told Jeff about it, and last night he made yet another of my lifelong dreams come true (this is certainly not a first for him!). What a guy! seriously, Jeff... thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you so much. What a treasure you are to me! I can't imagine not being your wife. I love you.
Good job, Jeff! She deserves it!
Way to go, Jeff. You finally got her!!!! And what a treasure you both are to us and what a treasure you have given us in our grandson! We love you all!!!!
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