My family has been on a new journey in life...may know that we are in the process of adopting a little girl from Vietnam. Today we are having the first part of our home study...so we've been gathering paperwork, getting doctors notes, getting things notarized...which leads us to today’s visit.
The thought of a little girl running around our home has been beyond exhilarating…it’s been hard to visualize, but every “next step” that we take, the more exciting it becomes as things begin to come in to fruition.
Last weekend Bryan and I had some ‘dad and lad’ time playing Halo 3 online…we played for hours! Holly has asked a couple of times, “Are you going to have some ‘daddy/daughter dates.’ That’s an easy one…oh yea! But I’m sure the make up of our ‘play dates’ will be different. Any words of wisdom from dad’s who have daughters??
We covet your prayers as our journey continues…we’ll keep ya posted.
Believe it or not, when Taylor was a little girl, I used to take her fishing. Just me and her and most of the time she outfished me. Today we like to play Guitar Hero 3 on the Wii. She still loves video games, so you and the little girl can still play video games
Jeff, I'm sure you will find alot of things to do with a daughter. I remember some things I did with Holly. One thing I really enjoyed was taking her to piano lessons. We would sing all the way there and back. Having your little girl meet you at the door every day when you come home is another great thrill!! You'll think of alot of things I'm sure! I'm looking forward to things I can do with a new granddaughter also!! Love you guys! Lloyd
she will melt your heart. I'm sure the bond between dad & lad is strong too. Cora and I like to go to Krystal together to eat out. We also sometimes just like to go to Toys'R'Us and just look and play with stuff.
Emma and I are fond of making music. We have a lot of fun with musical instruments and dancing. Oh, we also like watching basketball together. I am not allowed to push UofL on her because Robyn is a fan of UK. However, she likes the cardinal a lot so I think she will side with daddy on the whole sports thing!
Jeff, I'm not a dad...but I'm a daughter. I always loved when we would go out to eat, or to movies, or to a baseball game, or anything really. We've gone to the Creation Museum...that was cool! I just always liked whenever dad would ask if I wanted to go with him whenever he had to go and run errands or what not. I'm excited for you!
I know you will be an awesome Dad to your daughter. I do believe a little girl is always a ''Daddy's girl'' and you will enjoy this in a different but as much, experience in your life,as you have with the wonder of Bryan.
Love you guys!!
My dad always used to go bed earlier than the rest of the family becuase he had to go to work super early, and I would go there to talk to him. He would ask me about what I had learned at school that day and then have me teach it to him--I used to think he didn't know things like the mathematical order of operations, but now I know he wanted me to really know it so well I could teach it (I'm a teacher now...). He would also help me memorize passages of scripture, and he taught me a folk song. (I don't have a very good memory, so we only really got one song down. ha ha) We also used to both play brass instruments, so we were part of two different ensembles together and would always ride together. We used to practice our horns together at home, too.
I'm sure you and your daughter will discover common interests, just like you and your son have.
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