Today is Friday and it's my 'day off'...after I dropped Bryan off at school I had to get the van checked out for some minor repairs. I was in the waiting area sipping on some coffee and reading a Consumer Report mag, when this elder man walked in. He of course was there getting his truck fixed (duh it's a garage!)...and we started up a conversation.
This man's name is Ronnie and he told me all kinds of stories about his life...he told me about a car that he had bought 10 years ago and then turned around and sold it (this was a very detailed story, that I just got cracked up about how long it took to tell it, but it was interesting!) I leaned about his life when he joined the army and where he served, why he left, he shared about injuries, his marriages, his children, his politics, social security, etc. He kept using the phrase how "it's all messed up...it's all going to hell." Again, he was very open and honest about his feelings about everything...
At one point he started talking about the church and pastors...he said something like, "they're all hypocrites...people saying one thing and doing another...just burns me up!" (I didn't offer what I do or where I work!) He did retract and said some pastors were okay! (Wheww!)
He summed up his life by saying, "Someone must be watching over me up there...in all I've been through I'm still here!" And that's when I felt a door opened up to let him know that "someone" was watching and wants to know him and have a life changing relationship with him.. I didn't break out a big ole' KJV bible and start thumping...but I shared Jesus with him. He mentioned he went to church on Sunday nights with his wife, but being a Christian wasn't for him. Yet, he kept on using phrases like, "I pray all the time" or "this is what I think the Bible says."
When the van was ready and fixed our conversation began to come to a close. I don't know if Ronnie gave his life to Christ after I left...I encouraged him to keep going to church with his wife, learning about who and what this incredible God is all about.
I made me a new friend today because our van needed some repairs...divine appointment?? I don't know...I like to think that all conversations that we have with people are divine appointments, or at least have the potential to be so. Please don't hear this as boasting...I give God all the glory for this opportunity today, it charges me to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within me.
Pray for Ronnie...that his eyes would be open to God!
1 comment:
Keep chasin' in the lion, my friend! What an opportunity!
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