Okay here are five things that you may not know about me...
My favorite color is BLUE. You might find that to be odd, especially being a Cardinal fan and the fact that half our basement is painted Cardinal Red...but I've always liked the color blue (I have lots of blue clothes...navy blue that is!)
I am a serious house cleaner! Basically a neat freak at times. Yep, it may not always appear that way, but I am. I work and operate better when things are in order or clean. Today I'll spend sometime cleaning our house...and not just clean, but CLEAN baby. Maybe I have some OCD tendencies.
I tend to be a social introvert. Although I'm around people quite a bit in what I do, sometimes large crowds intimidate me.
I wanted to be a State Trooper. The main reason why I came to
Eastern Kentucky University was to be a state trooper. I was one of those, "When I grow up, I want to be a policeman" kids. After my freshman year at EKU I sensed and heard God's calling to go into ministry. But I still need my COPS fix every now and then!
My first kiss. I never had kissed a girl until my sophomore year in high school. The word got out within our youth group...so some friends "arranged" my first kiss with Jill Wells. Man, I was CLUELESS!! Ask sometime and I'll share the story...but I was really, really clueless!