So I added another way to track those who enter into the domain of "The Semi-Daily What Up?" Sitemeter is a pretty cool add on and the best part about's free!
Sitemeter shows how many folks visit your page, how long they view your blog, favorite is how it can track the location of people who view your are a few of those locations...pretty interesting:
Richmond, KY (duh)
Louisville, KY
Nicholasville, KY
Danville, KY
Clayton, NC
Lexington, KY
Bridgewater, NJ
Columbus, OH
Manchester, United Kingdom
Tyler, TX
Lincoln, NE
Mt. Sterling, KY
Chattanooga, TN
Blue Ridge, GA
Shepherdsville, KY
Phoenix, AZ
Little Rock, AK
Denver, CO
Jeff, sorry that my location in Brazil does not show up because I read your posts through my reader. Just thought I would actually visit so I shoe up on your site meter.
Mary K.
Hey, why doesn't it show Taylorsville??
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