Tuesday morning seven years ago I dropped Bryan off at school. I forgot his lunch so I ran home to get it and then head in to the office. When I got home I had the Today show on and for the next 4-5 hours I was in front of the TV watching everything unfold. I remember that our church was in the middle of a revival, a group from Atlanta was with us...I came over to the church just to be around some people...we continued to watch on TV.
I remember five years ago Holly and I were in New York City for our 10th anniversary...we walked down to ground zero...even after several years passing the area was still very solemn.
I've got a dvd called "911"...I typically watch it every anniversary. It's a dvd filmed by two brothers who just happened to catch everything on film. It's sad to watch, but I feel like I need to, I guess to continue to remember.
I remember seeing the statistics of how many people turned to the church for answers, they turned to God looking for something that made sense of this. Numbers were way up in churches all across the land...people looking for peace.
Pray for those families who lost loved ones...pray that people who are "lost" would be found.
Where were you September 11th, 2001?
I was at work and word started going around that something bad had just happened.
They announced that all lines stop production and report to the break areas.
When we got there, they had the news on the tv.
There was nothing but stunned silence.
I will never forget that day. I pray that everyone else doesn't either.
It was my freshman year of high school, we were in an assembly for homecoming when it happened but didnt find out until we got back into the classrooms. We watched the TV in all our classes for the rest of the day. I will never forget it.
I was in the middle of teaching my 8th grade class at school when my teacher assistant answered the phone in the back of the room. Her face went pale and she jumped up and interrupted me by whispering in my ear what had happened. All the teachers were instructed to stop what they were doing and turn on the tv's. As we were watching the pentagon on fire on the tv screen, a girl in my class began to sob. I walked over to her and asked her if she was okay. She could barely get the words out, but she cried out that her dad worked at the pentagon!! I felt my heart almost come out of my chest. This girl's parents were divorced and she didn't see her dad often. It turned out later that her dad was not injured, but for several hours we didn't know if he was dead or alive.
We also had a teacher whose brother was on business in New York that week. He stepped out of the World Trade Center to get some coffee across the street. As he ordered his coffee, the first plane crashed into the building. He called his sister at school and began giving her details of what was happening over the phone. We were getting a lot of feedback quicker than what was being said on tv.
It was horrifying to think that 2 of our students almost lost a father and an uncle. We also had twin boys who celebrated their birthday on 9/11. What a day to celebrate a birthday!
I'll never forget that day.
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