To sum up yesterday's UL/UK game in a word, yet alone in a phrase is very difficult. It was beyond UGLY...nothing IMPRESSIVE.
INEXPERIENCED...SHAKY...BORING...WORRISOME...Making me miss Brohm, Douglass and Urittia in a real bad way. Ummmm...TERRIBLE comes across my mind. UGLY, SUSPECT, DREADFUL...the list could go on and on.
Both teams really stunk...UL just stunk more. Both defenses were impressive...but bottom line it's going to be a L-O-N-G season for both teams!
BUT! I am not a bandwagon fan...I'll be cheering them on next Saturday against Tennessee Tech. Go Cards!
Amen on the loyal fan comment.
It relly bugs me when people start to like a team only when they are doing well.
Long season doen't even begin to describe it for the Reds though
Basketball season is right around the corner...right??
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