Okay here are five things that you may not know about me...
1. My favorite color is BLUE. You might find that to be odd, especially being a Cardinal fan and the fact that half our basement is painted Cardinal Red...but I've always liked the color blue (I have lots of blue clothes...navy blue that is!)
2. I am a serious house cleaner! Basically a neat freak at times. Yep, it may not always appear that way, but I am. I work and operate better when things are in order or clean. Today I'll spend sometime cleaning our house...and not just clean, but CLEAN baby. Maybe I have some OCD tendencies.
3. I tend to be a social introvert. Although I'm around people quite a bit in what I do, sometimes large crowds intimidate me.
4. I wanted to be a State Trooper. The main reason why I came to Eastern Kentucky University was to be a state trooper. I was one of those, "When I grow up, I want to be a policeman" kids. After my freshman year at EKU I sensed and heard God's calling to go into ministry. But I still need my COPS fix every now and then!
5. My first kiss. I never had kissed a girl until my sophomore year in high school. The word got out within our youth group...so some friends "arranged" my first kiss with Jill Wells. Man, I was CLUELESS!! Ask sometime and I'll share the story...but I was really, really clueless!
I can attest to the cleaning. He may not be superb with the laundry, but the boy can clean a bathroom like nobody's business. I can also tell you that it's true that he can be introverted. He actually likes seeing movies alone sometimes!
As for his favorite color.. just take note of what he wears. blue blue blue, blah blah blah...
now about that kiss... I don't know anything about Jill Wells or how "cluesless" he was then. But I will tell you he's a good learner:)
Can you transfer some of those cleaning desires to your brother-in-law and your nephew?? Is there some kind of operation that can be done to donate those "cleaning genes"?? Oh well, at least I have good ole' Mom next to me to help pick up the slack sometimes! Ha Ha!
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