One of the many exciting things that I get to be a part of as a pastor is baptism. Over the years I have had the privilege and honor to baptize many...I really wish I kept a record of these from day one.
I'll never forget my first baptism. I was serving as the youth pastor at Broadway Baptist church in Lexington, KY and one of our youth made had become a believer and wanted to be baptized. His name was Chad and he stood 6 feet, 4 inches...a tall, lanky teenager.
To prepare for my first baptism I thought that I needed to practice, so I called my good buddy Andy Eldeen (he stood 5 feet, 11 inches). On a Saturday night before Chad's baptism I practiced at the church with Andy. I think I dunked him at least ten times that night! Dude, there will be some extra jewels in that crown for that! But it was so helpful...they don't teach you these things at seminary!
Everything went very well the next day...it was such an honor to baptize Chad. I remember being so nervous, I didn't want to screw this up. But the important thing is that Chad followed in the footsteps of Jesus and publicly shouted to the world that he belonged to God.
Since that day I've baptized many...and I'll tell you this, every time that I have the opportunity, it is such a humbling experience to be a part of. I will never take those moments for granted...I'll always celebrate baptism.
Some of those that I've baptized since Chad??
-My son Bryan...can you say emotional?!
-Robert Coffey, one of my best friends in the world
-Husbands and wives together...
-Hundreds of teenagers as their youth minister...
-College Students...
Talk about a pastor perk! For me it's a very moving moment that I pray I'll never, ever take for granted.