So last night that's what we did...and he was pumped! He got some new clothes (and yes, he is into the clothes scene and he actually wanted them!)But his last gift was the crème-de-le crème...and we of course sent him on a bit of a scavenger hunt to find it.
It stated with an envelope…”go to the freezer”…another clue, “go to…” you get the idea?? One clue led him to go to his e-mail to find the next one! So after about 6-7 clues and still no “present” the last clue simply said, “Go to your room!”
So Bryan is sitting in his room…the next thing you hear is the Cingular jingle (cell phone!) It’s hidden in a box…he sees the phone and answers it…and I said “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” He didn’t realize that the phone was his! It was awesome! He was completely surprised and we caught part of it on the camera.
I love my son…I love watching his excitement. I’m grateful that this Christmas he is healthy and healed from all the junk that was going on with him last year!
Tonight we’ll go to our Christmas Eve service at church…it’s always a warm service filled with scripture reading and singing. Afterwards we’ll be making the trek back up to the ‘Ville to spend a few days with family.
I LOVE Christmas time! I love every part of it…the lights, sounds, and smells…I love simply being with my family and friends. I love the fact that God loved me so much that He sent His son Jesus so that I could live with Him forever. That story never gets old…it’s my life…it’s the reason why I live. Merry Christmas everybody!